Patched and Mariko units can be identified by their serial number. Both of these new models use a new processor called the T210b01 (also known as T214 and Mariko) with a new bootROM, and are not hackable at the current time. In July 2019, Nintendo announced updated consoles, a handheld variant of the Switch called the Switch Lite (HDH-001), and a new model of original Switch (HAC-001-01) with better battery life.

NVIDIA publicly acknowledged the flaw in April as well. Nintendo and NVIDIA were made aware of the issue before the public release as a result, and Switch systems that are not vulnerable to the exploit started being spotted in the wild in July 2018. This vulnerability was independently discovered by several different Switch hacking teams, and multiple variants of it were released to the public in April 2018 after a 90-day disclosure period ended.

The first thing to do is determine if your Switch is vulnerable to fusee-gelee, the exploit we will be using to launch CFW.
What are your thoughts on this? Would this be something you would be interested in? Why or why not?Īlso a note to other devs, I am fairly new to coding(only about a month or two into python, c++, and a few other languages) and would be more than willing to help out to get this project rolling.Getting Started Finding your serial number To circumvent this(if needed) it could be a handheld only feature? I'm not too sure if it would even actually be a problem but just being proactive here.
Its to my understanding that NTR cfw was extremely lightweight, and I am well aware that the Nintendo Switch could potentially have issues with using this feature while docked due to the system already running near full power/cpu/gpu speed. It could either work that way or work the same way that NTR cfw worked which would just directly send the consoles screen over LAN without using the switches 30 second native feature.(that would circumvent things like smash having the feature disabled/removed). This all gives me the feeling that we could eventually be able to have a program or kip file similar to NTR cfw or even similar to the switch LAN play kip that would essentially redirect the native Nintendo Switch 30 second recorded footage to be shared over the network and intercepted by a computer on our home network.
Now with all of that being said I also have been able to run "inHomeSwitching" a homebrew that allows you to stream your pc to your Nintendo Switch over LAN, all while having titles suspended in the background of my console. I have run gba games on retroarch and even ps1 games on retroarch all while having an actual Nintendo Switch game suspended in the background. While running any Nintendo Switch title its possible to launch the homebrew menu and also run emulators with titles suspended in the background. My answer to this would be a extremely hopeful yes, and here is why: If something like this was possible with the 3ds would it be safe to assume that the same could easily be possible with the Nintendo Switch? It was possible to run this program alongside the entire firmware of the 3ds and every single game worked flawlessly and with quality/input delay that depended upon your wifi local connection(it wasn't through the internet but through LAN). The 3ds had far less ram available to the device than the switch. Now here is why I believe NTR CFW would be possible on the Nintendo switch: Many of us content creators or just people hoping to capture sweet memories of our gameplay on Nintendo switch do not always have access to our capture card or are not always playing in docked mode(which is required to use a capture card).Īside from this, the switch has a 30 second capture limitation which is not enabled for many titles for reasons to do with 30sec footage constantly being stored within the ram causing a slowdown in framerate on certain games. This program was extremely useful for content creation and made having a capture card obsolete. On the Nintendo 3ds there was a custom firmware that worked hand in hand with Luma which was NTR CFW which had a pc counterpart that was able to receive signals and control the nintendo 3ds from a pc remotely. With all that out of the way to get back to the topic at hand!

We have come so far within such a small amount of time and I am completely stunned at how amazing and lucky we are to have such talented developers working to provide us all with the ability to use features Nintendo lacked a brain to add to the console. Okay, before I begin I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone working so diligently on the Nintendo Switch homebrew scene.